How to use a condom?
May 18, 2018

What is HIV?

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV can lead to the disease called AIDS if is left untreated. Being HIV positive is not the same as having AIDS. Many people who are living with HIV don’t get sick for several years. Over years HIV slowly wears down the immune system. Common illnesses that usually don’t cause any problems can make you very sick, or kill you, if your immune system is damaged. 

Unfortunately, there is still no cure, but due to improved treatments and medical quality, people who are HIV positive can now live longer and healthier lives. It is most important to get tested as that’s the only way to get proper treatment. No matter what your HIV status, take steps to protect yourself and your partners.


How do I get tested?

Visit your local health center or clinic and talk to your doctor. HIV testing may involve obtaining blood or oral fluid for a rapid test or sending blood or oral fluid to a laboratory. The type of routine HIV tests most places offer is called HIV antibody tests. They detect HIV antibodies, not the actual HIV virus. The human immune system creates HIV antibodies as a response to HIV infection. It usually takes anywhere from 10 days to 3 months from the day of infection, perhaps longer in some cases, for the body to create enough antibodies to be detected in a blood test. 


What do I do if I find out I’ve been infected?

Do not panic! Be proud of yourself instead as you took the initiative and courage to get tested. Same time, talk to your doctor regarding treatment options and follow them exactly as directed. Meantime, talk to your partners and encourage them to get tested as well.


The bottom line is if you are having sex, use a condom as it is the best way to protect yourself and your partner from HIV.

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